Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shout Generika FREEZE!!!

I'm into games and raffle these days. Not only with By Beaded Story, but in the Pharmacy as well.  By Beaded Story was planned long ago with three bead cloth necklaces  as bait.  The Pharmacy, on the other hand, was more like a spur-of-the-moment  thing, purely intended to keep PEACE and ORDER in the store.

These kids are the Pharmacy's lunchtime mainstays.  After school, they hit the Pharmacy with an overload of tumultuous energy.   Ergo, the Pharmacy tranforms into a momentary daycare. They run in and out.  Skate back and forth, jump up and down in the 3-meter customer area. Uses the 2-car parking lot as white canvass and leaves behind multi-colored stick figures.  Blue, pink chicks and black spiders  wander around aimlessly, obviously forgotten by their owners.    A section of our counter says LOST and FOUND for left behind notebooks, lunch boxes and many more.  Peace and order is  restored only upon the arrival of their school service. Then, we breathe again.

Oh YES, they are our Dennis the Menace times 5 from Monday to Friday.  And last Friday, the number increased to 7!!!

So to keep peace and order, the kids played SHOUT GENERIKA FREEZE!!!  My spur-of-the-moment concocted game wherein each kid had to shout a long GENERIKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA over the microphone (loud enough to be heard by competitors commuters and neighbors), then freeze into a SEATED SILENT STATUE.  *Haha. The longest "frozen silent statue" wins the bait. Think Apple Juice!

Absurd, but effective. So far.

I sure hope they can be tricked for another round tomorrow. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. and Friday too.

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