Tuesday, April 20, 2010

for Sasha and her Magic Box

I will put in my box
the sound of the waves clashing together,
the sweet smell of popcorn,
and the first gurgle of my baby cousin.

I will put in my box
the excitement of going on holiday,
a fresh start to the new day,
and seeing the red, orange and yellow sunset for the first time.

I will put in my box
the feeling of waking up on your birthday
and knowing you're a whole year older,
the view from your hotel window looking over the beautiful ocean,
and the glisten of the first star you see.

My box is bright purple with golden spirals on the lid
and lovely memories in the corners.
I shall swim in my box in the biggest oceans in the world,
then be scooped up by a net and drop me on the finest,
yellowest beach ever found.

by Sasha Keene, 10 years old

Hello Sasha.

This may perhaps be a surprise to you since you have no clue who I am.  I write you this note to let you know how lovely your poem is.

I was having my usual hearty breakfast with my husband, J. Bond,  when I came across and  read your poem.  Since then, your gentle words and beautiful thoughts have remained in my mind. I imagined, and continue to do so, the magical wonders inside your box.  These make me smile.

Like you, I also have my own "magic" box tucked away in one corner of my room with no lock nor any kind of seal.

It  has the likeness of a treasure chest, rusty brown in color and topped with a pretty Japanese print. But more than its look, this magic box is my TREASURE.  It was given to me as a thank you gift by a lady who I buy my glass beads from.

I have used this box in so many ways.  First,  it was my hiding place for the things I have collected over the years like  pens, scrapbook materials, colorful pouches, notepads, scented stationery, and stickers.  On my wedding day four years ago, my collection finally found its use.   Later on, the box became storage for my beads.  I think I haven't told you how much I love to bead necklaces.  Since I bead almost everyday, I reached a point when I needed to move my beads to a much bigger box.

Now, I use my magic box for this ......

This is where I keep my most PRECIOUS TREASURES---

Greeting cards from family and friends. Handwritten letters from J. Bond. Old photographs that speak of  memories.  Heirlooms that have been passed on from elder generations. My never been seen bead works  placed in quilted pouches.

I call them my precious treasures because these have tickled my heart. You are right, Sasha.  Boxes are magical if filled with special moments and loving memories.  Like you, I see and feel magic each time I open my unlocked box.  I leave this unlocked because sharing these treasures with loved ones make it extra special.  My heart won't tickle without their help :)

As for you Sasha, I believe you have found and shared your most precious treasures  -- your gentle words and beautiful thoughts.  Put these in your magic box.  But don't forget to share.  Someday, you'll look back with a smile....

"I shall swim in my box in the biggest oceans in the world,
then be scooped up by a net and drop me on the finest,
yellowest beach ever found." 
-- by Sasha Keene, 10 years old

                                                                     from TRIXIE of

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